I decided to start this blog to as an avenue for me to be able to post about some of the fun things that I do from time to time. It could be a Car Show revue, what I did on Vacation, what I like about this or that automobile, my experience with a photo shoot, what I have in my Automobilia collection, or whatever I think of at the moment. I hope you like it! All feedback will be appreciated.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

School Project: Vintage 1950's Kitchen Pieces - Part II

Well, things have been a little crazy busy and I am behind again on updating the blog. So, here goes!

After the first week, I was able to go over to get the parts for the Vintage 1950's Kitchen Cart and Step Stool media blasted. It didn't take very long to get it done either. I just was only able to get it done when there was an instructor on site in the welding department. When that worked out, it was an easy task. I finished them up and then had to wait to get some time to put the parts in the booth and get them primed. So I hit the bed of my Chevy S10 to clean up some small dents on the top edge. Then things started to fall into place and I was able to get the parts metal prepped, hung in the paint booth, and primed.

The next day I hit the Auto Paint store and picked out my colors, and headed into school. I got my paint ready to go for the legs of both the Cart and the Stool and went in and shot them in a nice, not so bright white. Then I had to let them sit for about an hour, so I cleaned the paint gun and waited. Once the wait was over, after about an hour, I went in and moved the leg parts to an area of the booth that they were safe from being hit with the Aqua Teal I picked out. I wasn't sure of the color, but once I started spraying, I knew I had made the right choice. The colors when together, in my mind, reminded me of a sweet 1957 Chevrolet Bel Air Convertible. The colors together are epic. So I laid the paint with a big smile. After I was done, it was gun cleaning time again. Once that was done I wanted to be sure they would be okay overnight, so I asked my instructor and he informed me that I could leave them until Monday as he had a meeting on Friday, which meant that no one needed to use the booth. So off home I went.

To view the entire set of build photos, click here - MJC Independant Study Fall 2013

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