I decided to start this blog to as an avenue for me to be able to post about some of the fun things that I do from time to time. It could be a Car Show revue, what I did on Vacation, what I like about this or that automobile, my experience with a photo shoot, what I have in my Automobilia collection, or whatever I think of at the moment. I hope you like it! All feedback will be appreciated.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Continental Tire Sports Car Challenge - 06/09/2011

Well I'm not quite sure how to start of here, So here goes.

First thing on Saturday morning I woke up a little later than I wanted. Fortunately, we were staying in Morgan Hill at an Executive Inn & Suites, so it wasn't like we we going to be to late. We, my wife & I, got up and got ready, checked out, grabbed some McD's for breakfast and then hit the freeway. We got to the track around 10:00am. I got my radio, started the scooter, and headed up to Center gate. I hooked up with a couple of the regular volunteers and watched some pit action from the Continental Tire Sports Car Challenge. While there I ran into, well somewhat of a regular at the track. Justin Bell was doing his work in the pits for SPEED Channel. So I said hello and chatted for a sec, then back to work we both went. The race I really have no idea what went on, other than what was going on within the 50 feet around me. We get so busy sometimes that we don't realize what action there is on the track during a race. After some time I went to lunch back in The Kennel.

After lunch I headed back to Center gate and saw that one of the Mustangs was coming through on a flat bed hauler. It was pretty banged up. I grabbed a few pics while I was there and then off to Center gate I went. As I got there, I had to turn around and well, I ended up having to go work at the Go-Karts that we run at a few events during the year. It's unbelievable how many people flock to these things to run 'em on our make shift track in the Paddock. It was pretty busy there for some time. Then the Grid Walk for the Grand Am Rolex Sports Car race came and we were kind of dead for a while until after the race had been going for a little while. While I was working I ended up talking to a gentleman and his son. I kind of went over to talk to him because he was wearing a Ferrari T-Shirt. Come to find out the guy drives a Porsche. WHAT! AHHH! Oh well! I did tell him though "that it doesn't matter what car you drive, as long as you have fun driving it". Well to make this part continue, He talked me into running the Karts with him since no one else was around to race. So, I got a few others that were working,  grabbed a helmet and jumped into a Kart for some fun. It was a great race. I was doing pretty good until one of our other volunteers smoked me. He does have a lot more experience though. But, I did beat mr Porsche!. YEAH! It was a lot of fun! I usually drive 'em when I get a chance if it gets slow enough to do so. But man do my arms hurt still. What a work out. The continuation of this story coming this week.

Driver Change - Multimatic Motorsports

Pit Stop - Capaldi Racing

Wrecked Mustang - Multimatic Motorsports

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